Transcranial Magenetic Stimulation (TMS) treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a relatively common mental health condition. In the United States, around 2-3 million adults have OCD. OCD also affects children and teenagers; recent studies suggest that approximately 1 in 200 children have OCD. The condition can have a significant and negative impact on work, education and society. It is often misdiagnosed or diagnosed after a long time has passed. This delay means that the benefits of early diagnosis are missed, and people may have experienced difficulties for some time before receiving treatment.
OCD can present in different ways and is more severe in some cases than in others. For some, the symptoms are manageable, but for others, it becomes a life-limiting condition. TMS can help reduce these symptom, the most common of which are:
An obsession can form around a particular thought, for example, that they are at risk of catching a contagious disease. It may be that they feel unsafe leaving the house and start to become obsessed with the risk of leaving the house unlocked. The need for order can also become an obsession, leading to excessive tidiness, lining things up, or ensuring that objects form symmetrical patterns. These obsessions are often the focus of distress and cause anxiety and, over time, depressive illness.
Compulsions occur in response to obsessions, such as feeling compelled to perform excessive amounts of handwashing to protect from disease. The activity often becomes ritualized, with the ritual taking precedence. Failure to perform this ritual properly results in anxiety and a sense of increased danger.
The anxiety that occurs when rituals are not followed often has the implied threat of severe consequences if they do not carry out the compulsive behavior. They will often begin again if a step is missed during the execution of tasks. There have been multiple studies that show TMS is an effective method for treating the anxiety associated with OCD.
Sadly, the more they submit to the need to meet the compulsion, the greater this need becomes, with rituals often evolving into long and complex routines that start impacting their ability to live life with any sense of normalcy. Ultimately, OCD will take over the person’s life; they can never do enough to satisfy the compulsion or to remove the obsessive thought patterns.
It soon becomes a cycle that takes over the person’s every waking moment, leading to high levels of anxiety and, potentially, depressive illness. TMS works on the brain the challenge this cycle.
Traditional and New Treatments for OCD
Several traditional treatments are effective for OCD. Talking therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and exposure and response prevention (ERP) has been beneficial. Medications commonly used include selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), which are also used in depressive illness. OCD is a complex and challenging condition, yet many people with OCD can overcome it with treatment and psychological support and continue to live fulfilling and happy lives.
TMS can be used effectively alongside traditional treatments, increasing the effect of these treatments and potentially increasing the speed of recovery. It is helpful for people who have had a limited response to the traditional methods and want to move forward more quickly.
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Treatment for OCD
Unlike implants or surgery, TMS acts directly on the brain and is non-invasive. The treatment places a magnetic coil on the scalp and passes magnetic pulses into targeted areas of the brain. The brain cells naturally communicate through a complex system of electrical pulses. When these are disrupted by mental health disorders like OCD, the symptoms of a mental health disorder can appear. TMS works to return these functions to normal by stimulating the area of the brain responsible for the functions impacted by OCD.
Receiving TMS treatment for OCD
TMS is both practical and straightforward. The first stage is an assessment by a mental health professional, which involves taking a medical history and discussing the patient’s needs.
After the assessment, a series of appointments are booked. It is usual for TMS to be given over several weeks, with treatments taking place on weekdays. The treatments are performed by a health professional and last around 30-40 minutes.
The coil is placed against the scale and targets the areas supporting mood and behavior, known as the pre-frontal cortex. The procedure is almost painless. Some people experience lightheadedness, a feeling of being tapped on the scalp or a slight headache. These pass quickly. No sedation is needed, so the patient can go home and carry on as usual once the procedure is completed.
Treatments are monitored and evaluated constantly, which can be adjusted to suit the patient, and follow-up appointments are offered to assess how well the patient has responded and if any maintenance treatments are required.
How TMS helps treat OCD
TMS specifically targets areas of the brain associated with behaviors, compulsions and moods. The main target is the pre-frontal cortex, and TMS helps this area to work within the brain to normalize activity. For example, activity in the pre-frontal cortex influences the amygdala, the area concerned with flight or fight, to reduce symptoms of anxiety. TMS works with the brain to regulate thoughts and behavior associated with OCD by increasing connections between different areas of the brain.
Boosting neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which are often out of balance in OCD. These chemicals influence mood and are often linked to depression. Their regulation is another positive effect of TMS.
TMS is a modern technology providing new hope to people who have not responded to traditional treatments. It is effective in reducing OCD symptoms in these cases. According to the International OCD Foundation, TMS produces a reduction in OCD symptoms for some patients after four weeks of treatment, with the best results shown when a combination of TMS and traditional methods were used.
TMS is a promising treatment for OCD. At the Southern Colorado TMS Center, we offer professional and cost-effective treatment for OCD and other mental health disorders. Please contact us to arrange an initial consultation with one of our highly qualified mental health practitioners.