How Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) can help with Addiction
Millions of people are affected by the problem of addiction and substance use disorders (SUDs), causing illness, disability and death on a global scale. This addiction can happen because of injury, for example, when someone is given opioid pain relief over long periods. It may be that a person’s use of alcohol has spiraled out of control. For some, it may involve being unable to stop gambling, playing computer games, or spending time on the internet. Tobacco addiction also remains a problem for many people across the United States.
Traditional treatments for SUDs provide limited support for those with addiction issues. In substance addition, traditional therapies usually focus on replacing the substance with an alternative and gradually reducing the amount the person is taking. This is essential in cases of opioid addiction and severe alcohol dependence to avoid the potentially life-threatening effects of withdrawal. Many people benefit from the use of support groups and talking therapies, either alone or alongside drug therapies. However, sometimes, these methods do not provide long-term and sustainable relief.
In recent years, significant progress has been made in understanding what happens in the brain of a person with an addiction. More research has been done, which shows that TMS is safe and affordable and can influence brain activity, with a knock-on effect of helping people by reducing cravings and preventing relapses.
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Addiction
TMS has been formally recognized as an effective method of treating depression, which is often seen alongside addiction problems. As a result of its endorsement by the FDA for its use in depression, it has now been used to help with other mental health conditions. One of the main benefits of TMS is that it is non-invasive. The magnetic fields that stimulate the brain travel from a magnetic coil placed on the scalp. TMS is performed as an outpatient over several weeks. The patient is fully aware during treatment and can continue as usual afterwards.
How TMS works for addiction problems
TMS stimulation targets specific areas of the brain that are associated with addictive behavior. TMS targets the reward system in the brain’s prefrontal cortex, a region also associated with decision-making and impulse control. This area is activated when we experience something we enjoy. When we experience something as pleasant, we want to seek it out repeatedly. In people with addictions, this desire is experienced as cravings. Research has been performed using functional neuro-magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) on individuals who have an addiction and often show abnormal activity in this area of the brain. TMS works to change this activity, which can help with cravings and impulse control. Each session lasts 30-40 minutes and takes place daily over several weeks.
What does TMS do?
TMS may increase the capacity of the brain to reorganize. This activity, known as neuroplasticity, helps form new pathways within the brain to replace those in play during addiction.
TMS works to change the brain’s levels of certain chemicals (neurotransmitters). For example, dopamine plays a vital role in the brain’s reward system, and this is often elevated as a response to the addiction. By stimulating these chemicals, TMS reduces some of the power of the addiction by providing the reward without the substance or activity usually associated with it. The action of TMS on the prefrontal cortex can help with the compulsive behavior often associated with additions and reduce the craving for substances.
Benefits of TMS for the treatment of addictions
TMS offers new hope for many patients who have tried traditional methods with varying degrees of success. There are several key benefits patients experience with TMS:
- TMS can assist traditional therapies
TMS can be used alongside traditional therapies to increase the likelihood of a successful outcome for the patient, for example, with talking therapies or while a person is receiving medications.
- TMS is painless and non-invasive
Unlike other interventions, TMS does not produce body-wide side effects. The treatment is given externally and is totally painless.
- Few side effects
During the first few sessions, some patients experience a little discomfort in their scalp or may have a slight headache. These are very short-lived and often disappear entirely over time. There is no risk of dependency.
- Improves quality of life
Patients have reported that cravings are reduced, and they are better able to control their impulses. TMS can also help with depression that may occur as people start to move away from addictive patterns of behavior.
What to expect
Treatment follows a straightforward and uniform pathway for patients at our clinic:
Stage 1 – Assessment
A full assessment will be made by a mental health professional. This assessment identifies if you are suitable for TMS therapy. This includes:
- Review of your medical history
- The nature of the addiction and troublesome symptoms
- Previous treatments you may have received
Stage 2 – Treatment
Treatment starts once the assessment is completed. Each session lasts 30-40 minutes, Monday to Friday, for around 6 weeks. Some patients may need less; others a little more. You will sit on a comfortable chair while a magnetic coil is placed on your scalp. The coil emits small pulses that may be felt like a light tap on the scalp.
Stage 3 – Monitoring
Your response to the treatment is closely monitored, and any adjustments will be made based on these observations. This ensures that each patient receives individualized treatment. Some patients respond quickly to the treatment and show rapid improvements. Again, some individuals need slightly longer treatment courses to achieve the best results.
Stage 5 – Follow-up
After the treatments, patients are offered follow-up appointments, which help assess the ongoing benefits. Some people need maintenance sessions, which are often less frequent and depend on the individual. Attending follow-up visits is essential to help prevent relapse and ensure the benefits are maintained over extended periods.
How can I receive treatment?
Southern Colorado TMS Center has served the South Colorado area since 2011 and is the largest local provider. Our experienced and fully trained staff are always on hand to provide information, and we offer a free, no-obligation consultation so you can make a fully informed decision about whether TMS treatment will benefit you.